
The Power Of Community (THE FILM)

Organic Farming, Education & Health, Transportation, Housing, Energy Alternatives. How Cuba did it. How to learn from it, and why it is a model for the whole world, in a peak oil crisis and in search for sustainability.

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Permacultura - IPEP Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas da Pampa

Video about the work developed in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul at IPEP - Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas da Pampa

Environmental Nanofactory

A nanofactory is a proposed system in which nanomachines (resembling molecular assemblers, or industrial robot arms) would combine molecules to build larger atomically precise parts. These, in turn, would be assembled by positioning mechanisms of assorted sizes to build macroscopic (visible) but still atomically-precise products.

A functioning nanofactory could create virtually any product at the cost of only the input raw material and energy.

Civilizations Type 0,1,2,3 (By Michio Kaku)