
How do you find an antipode or point on the opposite side of the earth?

The antipode is the point on the opposite side of the earth from another point - the place you'd end up if you were able to dig directly through the earth. If you try to dig to China from most places in the U.S., unfortunately you'd end up in the Indian Ocean.

Take the latitude of the place you want to find the antipode of and convert it to the opposite hemisphere. For example, we'll use Memphis. Memphis is located at approximately 35° North latitude. The antipode of Memphis will be at 35° South latitude.

Then, take the longitude of the place you want to find the antipode of and subtract the longitude from 180. Antipodes are always 180° of longitude away. Memphis is located at approximately 90° West longitude so we take 180-90=90. This new 90° we convert to degrees East and we have our location of Memphis' antipode - 35°S 90°E - in the Indian Ocean far to the west of Australia.

City, Country                Latitude   Longit. Time Zone

Asuncion, Paraguay            25 16 S   57  40 W  GMT-4
Antipode? 25 16 N 122 60 E

en el mar, muy cerca de Taiwan

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"Merlin does a live presentation on Inbox Zero from time to time. The latest version of the presentation was delivered on July 23, 2007 at a Google Tech Talk in Mountain View, CA. You can download a PDF of the slides for the presentation and can watch the 58-minute video of the talk and Q&A right here:

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ricas controversias

aca esta la pelicula completa, reales "conspiraciones": www.zeitgeistmovie.com