a la proxima conferencia de esto me quiero ir: International Society for the Systems Sciences

- La proxima es en Tokio
mas links:
- Libro sobre decentralizacion! (Libro recomendado para Hector y su projecto de decentralizar PY)
escuche en la radio que murio jim hall :( le vimos a el hace un par de meses...un perdida y aca un homenaje con sonny rollins
Vivid on-line videos demonstrate Superbot progress from PhysOrg.com
Wei-Min Shen of the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute recently reported to NASA significant progress in developing "SuperBot," identical modular units that plug into each other to create robots that can stand, crawl, wiggle and even roll. He illustrated his comments with striking video of the system in action, video now posted on line.
Una banda rusa que encontre hoy. Muy buenos, pero simpatico porque me hace acordar de Py.
or if you like what you see...
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